
In-House Laboratory

Diagnostic Laboratory of the UZH Travel Clinic (ZRM)

The ZRM now offers its own in-house diagnostic laboratory, which offers a wide range of analyses directly on site. These tests are used to diagnose a possible infectious disease or to determine the titer of certain antibodies (antibody controls). Through these titer determinations, vaccination protection can be checked and, if necessary, refreshed. 
By performing these analyses in-house, we can both quickly communicate the results and start any necessary treatment.


Our analysis list (Vademecum) provides an overview of all tests offered in-house. Further information on the respective analyses can be found there, such as type of sample collection, storage and analysis time.

The ZRM diagnostic laboratory is authorized by the Therapeutic Products Control Authority of the Canton of Zurich and by Swissmedic.

Head of the ZRM: Prof. Dr. med. Jan Fehr
Head of the ZRM laboratories: Prof. Dr. Michael Berney
Head of the diagnostic laboratory: Dr. sc. nat. FAMH Cornelia Ottiger





ZRM Diagnostic Laboratory Vademecum

More detailed information on the tax points and prices of the respective analyses can be found in the Analysis List (AL) of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).


Hepatitis B vaccination status (anti-HBs titer)

Method Enzyme immunoassay fluorescence detection (ELFA)
Availability Monday - Friday
Sampling VACUETTE® TUBE 8ml CAT Serum Separator Coagulation Activator
Material Serum, (exceptionally heparin plasma / EDTA plasma)
Preparation of patients none
Volume 0.5 ml
Storage temperature 4-8°C
Storage duration  5 days
Long-term storage <-20°C
Disruptive factors Hemolysis, lipemia, jaundice
Reference range Vaccination protection: <10 IU/l none; 10-100 short-term; >100 long-term; >1000 long-term
Analysis time (with preparation) approx. 80 min
AL position number 3057.00
Remark / Special Determination of anti-HBs antibodies


Measles antibodies (anti-measles IgG)

Method Enzyme immunoassay fluorescence detection (ELFA)
Availability Montag - Freitag
Sampling VACUETTE® TUBE 8 ml CAT Serum Separator Coagulation Activator
Material Serum
Preparation of patients none
Volume 0.5 ml
Storage temperature 4-8°C
Storage duration 5 days
Long-term storage <-20°C
Disruptive factors Hemolysis, lipemia, jaundice
Reference range IgG neg / pos
Analysis time (with preparation) approx. 60 min
AL position number 3122.00
Remark / Special Measles, Rubeola


Mumps antibodies (anti-mumps IgG)

Method Enzyme immunoassay fluorescence detection (ELFA)
Availability Monday - Friday
Sampling VACUETTE® TUBE 8 ml CAT Serum Separator Coagulation Activator
Material Serum
Preparation of patients none
Volume 0.5 ml
Storage temperature 4-8°C
Storage duration 5 days
Long-term storage <-20°C
Disruptive factors Hemolysis, lipemia, jaundice
Reference range IgG neg / pos
Analysis time (with preparation) approx. 60 min
AL position number 3128.00
Remark / Special Parotitis


Rubella antibody (anti-rubella IgG)
Method Enzyme immunoassay fluorescence detection (ELFA)
Availability Monday - Friday
Sampling VACUETTE® TUBE 8 ml CAT Serum Separator Coagulation Activator
Material Serum
Preparation of patients none
Volume 0.5 ml
Storage temperature 4-8°C
Storage duration 7 days
Long-term storage <-20°C
Disruptive factors Hemolysis, lipemia, jaundice
Reference range IgG neg / pos
Analysis time (with preparation) approx. 60 min
AL position number 3167.00
Remark / Special Rubella



Varicella antibodies (anti-varicella IgG, anti-VZV IgG)

Method Enzyme immunoassay fluorescence detection (ELFA)
Availability Monday - Friday
Sampling VACUETTE® TUBE 8 ml CAT Serum Separator Coagulation Activator
Material Serum
Preparation of patients none
Volume 0.5 ml
Storage temperature 4-8°C
Storage duration 5 days
Long-term storage <-20°C
Disruptive factors Hemolysis, lipemia, jaundice
Reference range IgG neg / pos
Analysis time (with preparation) approx. 60 min
AL position number 3178.00
Remark / Special Chickenpox/herpes zoster



SARS-Coronavirus-2 PCR

Method PCR
Availability Monday - Friday
Sampling Copan 305VN (Nasopharyngealer Abstrich), E-Abstrich
Material Nasopharyngeal-Abstrich
Preparation of patients none
Volume 0.5 ml
Storage temperature 4-8 °C
Storage duration 7 days
Long-term storage -80°C
Reference range No pathogen detection, i.e. negative
Analysis time (with preparation) approx. 40 min
AL position number 3186.00
Remark / Special SARS-2/CoV19


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