Our History and Mission

Our Mission
World-Renowned Care
With an experienced team and Prof. med. Jan Fehr, MD, as the Head of the Clinic, we are internationally renowned for maintaining the highest medical standards and using the most modern facilities and equipment.
Flexible Support
Whether you are traveling for a trip around the world or just a few days, whether you are traveling for business or academic purposes, whether you are visiting family and relatives or on holiday –
we offer appointment types and specific recommendations based on your location and needs.
Global Expertise
Whether you're travelling on safari or to the Arctic, we'll help you get the most out of your trip by providing you with the most up-to-date information on everything from malaria prevention to protection from mosquitoes and ticks.
Diverse, Multilingual Team
Our team comes from all walks of life, offering multilingual support in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish to promote clear communication during your visit.
Public Health Focused and Research-Based
Our slogan is: prevention is care and care is prevention. We use each travel advice session and routine vaccination check as an opportunity to review our clients vaccination status and to find any gaps in vaccination coverage. Our vaccination research helps to inform cantonal and national vaccination guidelines and informs our preventative services.
«Central»-ly Located
Our clinic was renovated in 2020 with modern and new infrastructure.
Centrally located (near Zurich Main Station, with a direct tram line to the airport) we offer easy online booking, short waiting times and fair prices.
Our History:
The Travel Clinic is founded by Prof. Dr. Robert Steffen.
The Expert Committee for Travel Medicine is founded, with representatives and members from each major travel clinic in Switzerland.
Designation as a World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Travellers` Health. Our remit is research on travellers‘ health and the epidemiology of travel-related infections.
Designation as a GeoSentinel site. The director is Prof. Dr. Patricia Schlagenhauf.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Hatz took over as Head of the Clinic.
Prof. Dr. Jan Fehr joined the department and took over as the Head of the Clinic.
On March 12th, 2020 our new and modern clinic opens after months of construction.
On March 13th, 2020 our new and modern clinic closed because of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Since we had a brand new clinic and no travellers, we worked hard to convert the clinic into a suitable test center. Our COVID-19 Test Center opened on the 30th of March, 2020.
On January 4th, 2021, the Reference Vaccination Center for the Canton of Zurich opened.
The ECTM website for travellers`health, HealthyTravel.ch, is launched.
On Nov. 15, 2022, we, as well as Checkpoint Zurich, started conducting monkeypox vaccinations for at-risk individuals from the cantons of Zurich, Zug, Schaffhausen, Schwyz and Glarus.
Our new website is launched.
Prof. Dr. Patricia Schlagenhauf is named the director of the EuroTravNet and the seat of the network will move from Marseille to Zürich.