Patient Referrals


We have a common goal: to promote the health of our patients in the best way possible. Good cooperation with other physicians/health care providers is, therefore, particularly important to us.


Do you have a patient with pending immunosuppression or another health issue and would like to refer them to us for a vaccination status check?


Then send an email to with the following information:


  • Patient's medical history
  • Rating of urgency (see below)
  • Contact information of the patient(s)

Our customer support answers to requests Monday through Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 and will contact the patient directly for an appointment, depending on the urgency.

Appointment Urgency Rating

Individuals with immunosuppression/immunomodulation are placed in one of the following three categories based on the urgency of initiating therapy.


Red: Rapid start of immunosuppression/modulation planned within 1-2 weeks. No waiting for all vaccinations, only the most important ones will be applied before start.


Yellow: Medium rapid start of immunomodulation/suppression planned within 4 weeks. More time to complete immune status


Green: Start possible in 1-3 months