The COVID-19 Vaccine

Who is recommended to be vaccinated?
The FOPH and EKIF recommend that particularly at risk people (BGP) aged 16 and over receive a single dose of Covid-19 vaccine in the fall/winter for the best possible protection against severe courses of the disease in the winter season. Ideally, the vaccination should be given between mid-October and December.
In addition, a minimum interval of 6 months should be maintained between Covid-19 vaccinations OR between Covid-19 infection and vaccination.
Which individuals are considered most at risk?
The complete list can be found here.
A prior Long Covid diagnosis is not part of the vaccination recommendations.
What about the rest of the population?
Covid-19 vaccination is not recommended for anyone under the age of 65 without risk factors The risk of severe disease is very low for people in this group For them, the vaccination offers a low and short-term protection against infections with mild disease
Vaccination is therefore not recommended for healthcare professionals and caregivers However, they can be vaccinated if, after individual consideration and decision, they wish to reduce the risk of infection with mild disease to some extent.
A recommended vaccination is billed via the compulsory health insurance for
- people who are particularly at risk;
- Pregnant women after individual clarification by the doctor.
If you do not fall into one of these two groups, then you will need to pay for the costs of the vaccination out-of-pocket. The vaccine itself ranges in price from 77 CHF, in addition to consultation and injection fees (total prices are listed below):
Cost of Pfizer vaccine:
- KVG: CHF 118.50
- Self-payer: CHF 109.25
Please note that, starting on December 9, 2024, we will no longer be offering the Monderna vaccine.
COVID - Certificate
Since September 1, 2023, Covid-19 certificates are no longer issued.
Please bring your vaccination booklet with you so that the vaccination can be entered.
What do I need to bring with me?
Swiss health insurance card
identification card
vaccination card (if available)
Any additional documents (such as doctor`s note and/or medication list (if applicable))
Means of payment (preferably EC card)